www.guitargods.com - Who do you worship now?
I thought for a long time about what to label this hacked site, and what information I should have on the topics that I believe in. The answer I came up with, didn't impress me. I really should be doing this for all the innocent victims that died in Denver. But, I do not know enough about the subject to do a whole page on it. I know that I copied ne0h's page. But with his acknowledgement.

In the suburbs of Denver CO.. two masked gunmen, opened fire in a highschool, killing dozens of harmless students, and injuring many more. They tossed explosives, and shot at students at point blank range, laughing and enjoying it all. This is an outrage, how can someone do this to people they knew, or dont even know? Revenge is one thing.. but hunting down, and killing dozens of innocent teenagers?
What happened should not happen again! This kind of thing must stop!

As people, we must stop this! This is not acceptable. We're asking parents to please pay a little more attention to what their kids are doing! We can't afford to let this happen any more! This is not a joke, kids are killing and doing it in cold blood. I don't see how someone can kill someone else, let alone kill more than one person. The media is being blamed on what happened. I blame parents, you see, parents are the ones that should be knowing whats going on in their kids' life. The parents should have seen that something was wrong.

Innocent Vistims... Please, listen to someone else! Talk to your kids about this! This is not funny nor acceptable. Yet some kids believe that what they did was "cool" and well-planned. This can not keep happening. We, as human beings can not teach our kids to do this. We can't let it happen! The shooting was being blamed on Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Hitler, and others. This is beside the fact that these two kids had a mental illness. No one on earth, that is sane, can shoot people and laugh while they are doing it. I think these kids had less going for them than we though. I hope other's agree that there was a mental illness in effect for this.

I'm sorry to the administrator, I didn't mean to cause any trouble. Your server was very badly misconfigured. Please fix the configuration, so no malicious people have the chance to do damage. I want you to know that no files were deleted during this whole thing. I wasn't going to change the page, but you guys didn't pay attention to the people logging in. I gave you plenty of time to reconfigure. Your original work is found at 'default2.htm'. Remember, this was not a malicious attack, only to let the public know my feelings on the subject.

irc.psychic.com / BlacKDetH / bi0hazard / Flipxx / dr_fdisk^ / DataThief / Redemption / Mantis- / psiconauta / H.A.R.P / ne0h / Revelation / optiklenz / cyrus / MagicFX / linz / PS911
Anyone else I forgot.

This site was indeed, hacked.