You have all wondered what gH is about.. maybe its time you learned.

global hell, is a 'hacking' group of friends..
we consist of programmers, hackers, phreakers, etc.

during the half year we have been around, we have had no problems with our members.
We have all been loyal to each other, and we all respect one another.
We hope to be around until we become obsolete.
Id like to consider gH, the 90's version of MOD.
The group basicly became obsolete..


                         gLobaLL heLL       .


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this hack was dedicated to mindphasr and mosthated,
for keeping us all as a family.
I joined gH in late January as telecommunications for gH.. I still do.
until I got introduced to hacking.
Ive always been intrested in it, and always lied to my friends about hacking.
Im basicly trying to pay it all back..
Im also doing this for all the people
who said I couldent. fuck you.
your wrong, I own you mother fuckers who didint have faith.
now I have the skills you dreamed of.
This is a big fuck you to Ho0ke.

I few years ago I asked you to help me hack, you didint help me.
so, fuck you bitch. you aint shit now.
I own you, and everyone in b0red that
never helped me with shit.. just called
me lame.. fuck you.
as CrITICaL, as x0r, as x0n, as ne0h.

lame fucks.

hacked by ne0h, for gH.
and me.

syntax: mv index.bak index.html