
The Black Plague. It once existed in Asia and Europe. Wherever it went, destruction reigned. Downfall was eminent. All who encountered it fell ill, and were soon destined for death. That was in the 14th century.

Pornography. It exists throughout the world. Wherever it goes, destruction reigns. Downfall is eminent. All who encounter it fall ill, and are destined for ruin. This is today.

The infestation of this plague is ubiquitous. Society has been infiltrated. With the incredible expansion of the internet, the plague has found another medium by which to travel. Society's dismal downfall has been expedited. The horrors in the exploitation of the human body are utterly vile. Children and adults alike are being stricken ill. Destruction gently taps at the door, until louder and louder, the taps turn to knocks, and the knocks turn to an incessant pounding. Soon, Destruction makes its fatal appearance.

It can be stopped.

The Black Plague died out when people grew aware of its dangers and potential for destruction and kept themselves away from it. How much farther downhill must society fall before people begin to realise the devastation caused by pornography?

- 777 strikes again
