
This is simply the beginning of what will be a streak of strikes, just to demonstrate that what many of these 'hackers' do, doesn't make them as 'el33t' as they think. They want to *front* by decieving web pages, so here it is.

Just because you can get 0day juarez and own some lame, poor-security servers doesn't mean you are a hacker. Actually, in lamers term, it makes you a skr1pt k1d. Yes, we owned this server, Yes, we did use exploits, BUT we dont go around fronting about being hackers. You do it for fame. We do it to make YOU guys look bad.
This is all the panic we will cause here... for now.
RESPECT fools!

*!* Hispanics Causing Panic Crew *!*
This server has been compromised by: MaTraK & Urin

Shouts: Gypsy, PinGaX, dEAth, The RocketMan (So whos your DAddY), DeathSurgeon, Horney-Cluster, R3d0x, IronLung, Ch0wn, RutChem-Da-Beast ( So how do you like this one?)
#BitchX - efnet's irc kuku's clan.
rsh - heh! GAY!
Morpheous - efnet's irc-gangster wanna be
b4b0 - b4(they are stupid) b0(bow down to us)
jsbach - and his fucked up mscan "scanner"
DalNET - need we say more?

Comments? Feel like bitching because we made you look like idiots?