Your Page HAs been Cr4x0red By the All mighty

Being THat I am a Cracker you shall tell all your brainology friends that your web page was cracked because your thinking cap wasn't on.

Hackers have morals, but us crackers don't that's why it is us crackers messing up web pages and not hackers. So don't go calling the press or fbi or whom ever about your page being hacked. because it was't hacked it was Crax0red .

I'd like to say a few lame shout outs to some of my peeps


Mr. Phileshare

Pacbell for kicking me down this phat hummer

I'd like to say Hi to Bob At Pac Bell,

HEre are some FUck yous to all you phaggots who think you are better than me,

1. MAtt A. Stop fuckin talking out of your nose

2. R.K. your a phuckin retard

3. Phuck you Kevin Mitnick I hope bubba enjoy's your company!

and I would like to shout out to all my mates over in IraQ, sooner or later these damn americans will weaken.