The medium is the message.

[Attrition News]--[Statistics]--[Breakouts]--[OS Abbrevs]--[General Articles]--[Defacement Hoaxes]
[A = Articles accompany mirror]--[M = 'mass' hack]--[C = 'message' in HTML comments]--[K = Free Kevin reference]

(back) 1997 (forward)
Date Group/Person * Site ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ [97.12.31] [WinDose/LSD] 2-Chinese Agricultural University (www.cau.edu.cn) [97.12.27] [ ] NASA (excelsior.arc.nasa.gov) [97.12.16] [code zero] FMB (www.fmb.com) [97.12.11] [ADM] Fox TV (www.fox.com) [97.12.08] [h4g1s] K Yahoo Search Engine (www.yahoo.com) [97.11.26] [LSD] 1-Chinese Agricultural University (www.cau.edu.cn) [97.11.14] [code zero] Spice Girls (unknown domain) [97.10.20] [druhy] P Ceskej Police (www2.policie.cz) [97.10.20] [ ] P Ceska Police (www.dolphin.cz/~policie) [97.10.11] [LoU] White Power Media Education (www.whitepower.org) [97.10.01] [ ] ValueJet (www.valujet.com) [97.09.30] [ ] Profesia (www.profesia.sk) [97.09.25] [ ] Penguin Palace (www.penguinpalace.com) [97.08.18] [StarFire] Crack-A-Mac Contest (hacke.infinit.se) [97.07.15] [ ] Canadian Security Intelligence (www.csis-scrs.gc.ca) [97.06.25] [fr0lic] Geocities Page Hosting (www.geocities.com) [97.06.03] [ ] Winproxy (www.winproxy.cz) [97.05.30] [ ] Radio Ragtime (www.ragtime.sk) [97.05.27] [GALF] Shell Only (www.shellonly.com [97.05.17] [ ] Idealnet (www.idealnet.cz) [97.05.11] [ ] Lanprojekt Inet provider (www.lanprojekt.cz) [97.04.27] [Circle of Deception] British Conservative Party (www.conservative-party.org.uk) [97.04.26[ [code zero] Amnesty International (www.amnesty.org) [97.04.13] [ ] #1 Anet Internet Provider (www.anet.cz-1) [97.04.10] [Chameleon] K Strategic and Advanced Computing Center (www.pentagon-ai.army.mil) [97.04.05] [ ] Editel (www.editel.cz) [97.03.24] [ ] Ministerstvo Zivotneho Prostredia CR (www.env.cz) [97.03.19] [ ] CyberPromo Spammers (www.cyberpromo.com) [97.03.09] [tmw] #1 NCAA (www.ncaa.org) [97.03.05] [h4g1s] K NASA HQ (www.hq.nasa.gov) [97.02.26] [ ] #1 Union Banka (www.union.cz) [97.02.26] [ ] Seznam Ceskeho Internetu (www.seznam.cz) [97.02.15] [ ] MAmedia (www.mamedia.cz) [97.02.11] [toxyn] East Timor (www.freedom.tp) [97.01.08] [KNS] Legal Employment Network (www.legal-employment.com) Know of any hacked sites we missed? Dates or names to fill in? Mail jericho@attrition.org. -EOF